Standard Firefighting Vehicle
Solid design in emergency vehicles, the backbone of their rescue unit This emergency response vehicle for firefighting is one of several special-purpose vehicles that have come through our studio. These Standard Firefighting Vehicles are mainly used for firefighting, supplying water, and performing technical rescue missions. Together with their crew, they’re an independent tactical unit. The firefighter project required close collaboration with our client’s team of engineers,, and the awareness of our contractor’s manufacturing capabilities. As we redesigned both the exterior elements (roof lamps, fairings, side and rear functional access points, etc.) and the entire cabin interior, the technical knowledge and design skills of the SOKKA team were really put to use.
Did you know?
The first pump specifically designed to put out a fire was invented by Ctesibius, a Greek mathematician. His work led him to be deemed “the father of pneumatics.” It was his creation of what was referred to as the ‘pipe organ’ that led to the invention of today’s piano.